Mary is available for your next educational, holistic nursing, healing with the arts, and teleseminar conference.
With more than a decade of speaking experience Mary is a seasoned professional presenter and is available for a variety of venues and topics.
Mary has the ability to captivate her audience. She speaks eloquently from the heart. Her presence is moving and powerful. She is spontaneous and playful which enriches her presentations” – Nursing Director, Harvard University
Mary delighted our audience and offered actionable take aways. Now our attendees request her each year.
Topics include
- Self-care
- forgiveness
- art and healing
- honoring the divine feminine
- conscious living
- conscious dying
- creativity
- spirituality and caring
- Body, mind, spirit medicine for patients with cancer and life threatening illness and their families
- Body, mind, spirit medicine for caregivers, physicians, nurses, psychologists, etc.
- Guided imagery, Art and healing (patient, families, and caregivers)
- Creativity and healing (patient, families, and caregivers)
- Healing your life, using medicine wheels to create sacredness and balance
- From darkness to light: experiencing spiritual transcendence in your life
- The Contemporary Shaman: Using intuitive and mystical tools to heal
- Going inward: Finding out who you are and manifesting what you want
- Path of the Feather workshops and lectures, using medicine wheels and spirit animals for healing your life and manifesting what you want
- Path of the Feather method of saving habitats and animals through a spiritual vision of nature
- Walking the Path of the Feather: creating sacred space, answering your questions and manifesting what you want
- Creativity in business: how to use guided imagery and art to become the most creative person you can be
- Guided imagery in business: using your minds eye to invent new products and achieve your goals
- Path of the Feather business workshops, making medicine wheel to achieve a sustainable business future.
Previous lectures
- Keynote, Vancouver National Arts and Medicine Initiative, Simon Fraser University
- Transpersonal Psychology, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology Monterrey California
- Keynote, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and John F Kennedy University, San Rafael, California
- Esalen Institute, workshops in guided imagery
- Hollyhock, workshops on healing and medicine wheels
- Omega institute, workshops on guided imagery and healing
- University of Vermont Medical School and Dartmouth Medical School, Art In Medicine
- Vermont state arts initiative, University of Vermont Medical School
- Qualitative Health Methodology, Dorchester England ,
- Qualitative Health Methodology Vancouver Canada,
- Qualitative Health Methodology Banff, Canada,
- Spirit Body Healing workshop, Athens Greece
- World wide woman’s conference, Tinos Greece, 1996-99
- Keynote, Brown University, Art In Medicine Providence R.I
- Rhode Island School Of Design, Providence R.I, Art In Medicine
- New York University Medical School, Art In Medicine
- South Carolina Behavioral Medicine conference, Art In Medicine
- Art for healers, Sante Fe, New Mexico
- Keynote, Commonweal, Bolinas, California
- Art and healing invitational conference
- Winterhaven Hospital nursing program
- Tampa General, University of South Florida
- College of Nursing, University of Central Florida
- International Conference on Cancer Nursing Vancouver, Canada
- International Qualitative Health research Vancouver, Canada
- University of Pennsylvania, Qualitative Health research
- Lake City Community College, nursing program, Art In Medicine
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, Qualitative Health Care methodology
- University of California Medicine School, San Francisco, Art In Medicine
- Keynote, San Francisco Art Institute, Art and Healing
- Keynote, Marin General Hospital, Art In Medicine, San Rafael, California,
- Alternative Healthcare, Orlando Florida with Duke University medical school
- Medical Humanities, Washington, D.C.
- WinterHaven Nursing research
- Savanna southern nurses conference
- South Eastern Nursing conference, Charleston
- Dec. 1996 Clinical Behavioral Medicine, 2000 people, art and healing and a one day workshop on helping people with cancer use medicine wheels and spirit animals.
- Keynote, The Hope Center Providence, R.I. Art and healing for cancer patients and their families, guided imagery, support, attitude, love. See into your brightest place.
- Keynote, Galveston College, Galveston Texas
- Atlanta NPR
- Miami NPR
- S.F. , NPR morning show,
- Ohio, NPR
- Oregon NPR
- LA talk radio call in
- Atlanta NBC special
- video NPR
- health network Jeffery Mishlove
- Dini Petty Canada
- Universal studios orlando health network
- Shakti Health cable
- Oregon, good morning Portland
- Today, NBC new york Brian Gumbel
- good morning L.A. weekly health piece, sweeps week, Regis Kathy Lee
- Good morning San Francisco,
- Good morning Portland,
- Good morning Seattle,
- Good morning New York City ,Regis-Kathy lee